What's Holly Thinking About?
- 2025-01-28Zero Waste, Radical Magic, and Italian Graft – Quarkus Efficiency Secrets
- 2024-11-06Less waste, more joy, and a lot more green – How Quarkus makes Java better
- 2024-10-23Refactoring to Kube-native Java with Quarkus
- 2024-10-22Choosing the right Java runtime for the job
- 2024-10-10Zero Waste, Radical Magic, and Italian Graft – Quarkus Efficiency Secrets
- 2024-10-08How Quarkus makes your apps cheaper, greener, and happier
- 2024-09-17How Quarkus makes your apps cheaper, greener, and happier
- 2024-08-12How to create your own Quarkus extension
- 2024-06-20Quarkus Efficiency Secrets
- 2024-05-08Six things we learned implementing Rockstar on Quarkus
- 2024-04-09Zero Waste, Radical Magic, and Italian Graft – Quarkus Efficiency Secrets
- 2024-04-06Faster, greener, and happier- why Quarkus should be your next tech stack
- 2024-03-07Faster, greener, and happier- why Quarkus should be your next tech stack
- 2024-02-06Six things we learned implementing Rockstar on Quarkus
- 2023-11-30Faster, greener, and happier- why Quarkus should be your next tech stack
- 2023-11-21Quarkus Unveiled: Efficiency & Green Impact • Holly Cummins & Charles Humble • GOTO 2023
- 2023-06-27Faster, greener, and happier- why Quarkus should be your next tech stack
- 2023-06-06Redis, Quarkus, OpenShift From Cache to Modern Apps at Scale
- 2023-04-20Resources for Writing Quarkus Extensions
- 2023-04-12Redis: du cache à la time series!
- 2023-04-05Happy Path podcast
- 2022-08-08Quarkus Insights #98: Using Minecraft as an Observability client
- 2022-08-05Around IT in 256 seconds #81: Quarkus: supersonic, subatomic Java
- 2022-06-07Why you're missing out if you're not making Quarkus extensions
software development
- 2024-12-13The Efficiency Paradox and How to Save Yourself and the World
- 2024-12-10The Efficiency Paradox and How to Save Yourself and the World
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- 2024-10-03The Efficiency Paradox and How to Save Yourself and the World
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- 2024-03-15The future of development: Are our jobs getting harder or easier?
- 2024-03-02Is Efficiency A Good Thing? Part II: All the Things That Can Go Wrong
- 2024-03-01Is Efficiency A Good Thing? Part I: What is Efficiency, and Are We Any Good At It?
- 2024-01-26The future of development: Are our jobs getting harder or easier?
- 2023-12-08Is efficiency a good thing?
- 2023-10-24Expert Talk: The Current State of Software Engineering • Jez Humble & Holly Cummins • GOTO 2023
- 2023-10-21The future of development: Are our jobs getting harder or easier?
- 2022-04-28Could new software tools make anyone a programmer?
- 2021-10-12Our Digital Futures
- 2021-09-28The Adventurer’s Guide To Breaking Production
- 2021-04-19The InfoQ Podcast: Software Architecture and Design InfoQ Trends Report—April 2021
- 2021-04-19Software Architecture and Design InfoQ Trends Report—April 2021
- 2021-04-14When TDD gets hard
- 2024-12-13Tradeoffs, Bad Science, and Polar Bears – The World of Java Optimisation
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- 2024-01-25Tradeoffs, Bad Science, and Polar Bears – The World of Java Optimisation
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- 2022-10-14Tradeoffs, Bad Science, and Polar Bears – The World of Java Optimisation
- 2022-08-23Tradeoffs, Bad Science, and Polar Bears – The World of Java Optimisation
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- 2022-05-11The Future of Java
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- 2021-07-29Trade-Offs, Bad Science, and Polar Bears—The World of Java Optimization
- 2020-10-15How - and why - to modernize your scruffy old Java applications
- 2020-05-0197 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know
- 2020-02-03Garbage Collection Is Your Friend
- 2012-09-27Java basics: converting a collection to a string
- 2010-05-12Java performance - not so scary after all
- 2009-11-18Performance for the Performance-Shy
- 2009-06-16Health Center 1.0 released
- 2009-05-12How to interpret a method profile
- 2009-05-11How do you solve a performance problem?
- 2008-12-11Java Performance
- 2008-10-08Garbage collection flavours
- 2008-10-07Garbage collection algorithms
- 2008-10-05Garbage collection myths
- 2008-09-24IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java™ - Health Center™ is now available
- 2008-06-18Java Performance Tooling
- 2008-05-21Java Performance - Myths, Mysteries, and Paradoxes
- 2008-05-21Java Performance Tooling
- 2008-03-25Java Performance Tooling
- 2007-09-16Interpreting GC Pauses
- 2007-09-13Getting the most out of garbage collection
- 2007-04-17Six Myths and Paradoxes of Garbage Collection - MSc Thesis
all sorts
- 2024-12-01The Engineering Room with Dave Farley
- 2023-11-12Spécial Tech.Rocks Summit 2023 - Holly CUMMINS (Red Hat) et Philippe ENSARGUET (Orange) - #S05EP31
- 2023-04-03Duke's Corner podcast
- 2022-07-18Stackd 59: Holly Cummins, Quarkus, IBM, and the Garage
- 2021-09-28Software Engineering Unlocked: Driving innovation and engineering practices
- 2021-05-14In the Open with Luke and Joe | Holly Cummins | Innovation Leader (a podcast, but with pictures)
- 2024-11-22Leverage LLMs in Java with LangChain4j and Quarkus
- 2024-10-23The Power of LLMs in Java – Leveraging Quarkus and LangChain4j
- 2024-09-26NLJUG academy masterclass – Create Java-based AI applications with Quarkus and LangChain4j
- 2018-01-29Chatbot Best Practices
- 2017-10-11So You Say You Want a Chatbot Revolution
- 2016-11-22Thomson creates travel search chatbot with IBM Watson
- 2016-05-12How the Bluemix Garage is helping a blind athlete run marathons - solo
- 2016-05-03This blind man is running a 155 mile ultra-marathon with the help of an IBM app
- 2024-10-16Zombie Menace, Vampire Peril
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- 2023-06-21These Five Tricks Can Make Your Apps Greener, Cheaper, & Nicer
- 2023-05-24These Five Tricks Can Make Your Apps Greener, Cheaper, & Nicer
- 2023-05-13Holly Cummins at Devoxx UK: How Would the Business Benefit from Your Greener Java Application?
- 2023-05-10Writing Greener Java Applications
- 2023-04-14Writing Greener Java Applications
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- 2023-03-29Why Cloud Zombies Are Destroying the Planet and How You Can Stop Them
- 2023-02-09Pecha Kucha: Making IT Greener
- 2023-01-19Writing Greener Java Applications
- 2022-12-15Sustainable Software and Systems: Lightswitch Ops for the Triple Win - A RedMonk Conversation
- 2022-12-15Modern Java runtimes: No Regrets energy efficiency with Quarkus and GraalVM - A Redmonk Conversation
- 2022-12-15Sustainable software and systems, efficiency and the triple win. Policy, progress, and modern Java runtimes like Quarkus.
- 2022-11-11How to write greener Java applications
- 2022-11-02Writing Greener Java Applications
- 2021-11-04A Journey to Automation from Observability to Sustainability
- 2021-06-10Cloud Tech Thursdays: How To Love Kubernetes and Not Wreck The Planet
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- 2020-11-06How to Love Kubernetes and Not Wreck The Planet Part I: Elasticity and Utilization
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- 2020-11-03Stack Overflow Podcast 283: Cleaning up the cloud to help fight climate change
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- 2020-08-17How to Love K8s and Not Wreck The Planet
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- 2020-05-04The Climate Service + IBM Garage: Weathering Disruption to Deliver Results
- 2019-11-23People, Planet, Clouds
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- 2024-06-25Productivity is Messing Around and Having Fun
- 2024-05-09Productivity is Messing Around and Having Fun
- 2024-03-03LCC 307 - Interview sur la passion, la créativité et le fun sur le long terme avec Holly Cummins et Mark Jane
- 2023-06-23The Importance of Fun in the Workplace
- 2022-12-13The Cloud Should be Fun … and if not, you're probably doing it wrong
- 2022-11-29The Importance of Fun in the Workplace
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- 2019-12-19The Importance of Fun in the Workplace (Interview)
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- 2019-11-13The Importance of Fun in the Workplace
- 2019-08-21Java Should Feel Fun
- 2019-06-20The Future of Work is (More) Fun - Part 1 - IBM UK Blog
- 2019-06-20The Future of Work is (More) Fun - Part 2 - IBM UK Blog
- 2019-06-11The importance of fun in the workplace
- 2019-05-14The Importance of Fun in the Workplace
- 2019-05-01The Importance of Fun in the Workplace
- 2019-04-13The Importance of Fun in the Workplace
- 2018-11-12The Importance of Fun in the Workplace
- 2018-02-13The importance of fun in the workplace
- 2017-05-10Software Developers Guide to Fun in the Workplace: Euphoria Despite the Despair
- 2016-10-10Software Developers Guide to Fun in the Workplace: Euphoria Despite the Despair
- 2016-07-08Building Stuff for Fun and Profit - confessions from a life in code and cables
- 2024-08-09Using yq in GitHub Actions
- 2022-02-23GitOps in Regulated Industries Webinar
- 2020-07-09Using Lease Resources to Manage Concurrency in Tekton Builds
- 2019-06-25Tales From The DevOps Transformation Trenches
- 2016-11-07Confessions of an Automation Addict
- 2015-10-25Confessions of an Automation Addict
- 2015-09-18Confessions of an automation addict
- 2015-03-24Confessions of an Automation Addict
cloud native
- 2024-04-02What is cloud native and how can it generate business value?
- 2023-12-07The AI skills gap is becoming incredibly troubling for companies everywhere
- 2023-11-28Cloud Native Users Struggle to Achieve Benefits, Report Says
- 2023-06-26Cloud Native Development With Quarkus (masterclass)
- 2023-06-22Cloud Chaos and Microservices Mayhem
- 2023-05-26Cloud Native Development With Quarkus (masterclass)
- 2023-02-08Cloud Chaos and Microservices Mayhem
- 2022-12-01Nine Ways To Fail at Cloud Native
- 2022-11-25Expert Talk: Cloud Chaos & How Contract Tests Can Help • Holly Cummins & Kevlin Henney • GOTO 2022
- 2022-11-02Cloud Chaos and Microservices Mayhem
- 2022-10-12Cloud is about culture, containers, and impact - not data centres
- 2022-10-07Cloud Native Development With Quarkus (masterclass)
- 2022-10-04Cloud Chaos and Microservices Mayhem
- 2022-10-04Expert Talk: Cloud Chaos & How Contract Tests Can Help • Holly Cummins & Kevlin Henney • GOTO 2022
- 2022-10-01Cloud Chaos and Microservices Mayhem
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- 2022-06-07Why You Can't Buy Cloud Native
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- 2021-08-31Nine ways to fail at cloud native and how to avoid them
- 2021-08-17Nine Ways To Fail at Cloud Native
- 2021-06-02Cloud Native is about Culture, not Containers
- 2021-05-12Cloud Native is about Culture, not Containers
- 2021-04-14The Cloud Should Be Fun - and If It’s Not You’re Probably Doing It Wrong
- 2021-03-17Cloud-Native Is about Culture, Not Containers
- 2021-02-09Cloud Chaos and Microservices Mayhem
- 2021-01-10No, Really, Cloud Native Is About Culture, Not Containers
- 2020-12-15WTF is Culture In Cloud Native
- 2020-12-15WTF is Cloud Native Culture (Container Solutions WTFinar)
- 2020-12-04Cloud Chaos and Microservices Mayhem
- 2020-11-24The Cloud Should Be Fun - and If It’s Not You’re Probably Doing It Wrong
- 2020-11-03Cloud Chaos and Microservices Mayhem
- 2020-11-02Nine Ways To Fail at Cloud Native
- 2020-10-29Blood-curdling tales of microservices misadventure, devops dread, and grisly governance
- 2020-10-23Cloud Chaos and Microservices Mayhem
- 2020-03-02Cloud Native is about Culture, not Containers
- 2020-02-26Nine Ways to Fail At Cloud Native
- 2019-10-21Cloud Native is about Culture, not Containers
- 2019-10-07Nine Ways To Fail at Cloud Native
- 2018-11-19Cloud Native is about Culture, not Containers
- 2018-11-12Cloud Native is about Culture, not Containers
- 2018-10-29Cloud Native is about Culture, not Containers
- 2018-09-26Cloud Native is about Culture, not Containers
- 2018-09-22Cats, Qubits, and Clouds - The Quantum Future
- 2018-03-13Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs: Cloud Surprises for the Java Developer
- 2016-06-14Putting the 'Micro' Into Microservices With Raspberry Pi - DZone IoT
- 2015-10-09An Arduino, an Application, Server, and me - Adventures In and Out of the Cloud by Holly Cummins
- 2014-10-13The Lazy Developer’s Guide to Cloud Foundry
- 2014-06-12The Lazy Developer’s Guide to Cloud Foundry
- 2024-02-06Tame Microservices with Contract Testing
- 2023-12-13Taming Microservices with Contract Testing
- 2023-07-12Tame Microservices with Contract Testing
- 2023-07-04How to avoid common pitfalls with modern microservices testing
- 2023-05-11How to avoid common pitfalls with modern microservices testing
- 2023-05-04Contract testing with Pact and Quarkus
- 2023-04-05How to avoid common pitfalls with modern microservices testing
- 2023-02-13Quarkus Insights #117: Contract Testing with Pact and Quarkus
- 2022-10-13How to avoid common pitfalls with modern microservices testing
- 2022-09-15Refactor This Podcast - vFunction
- 2022-08-31Uh, Does This Thing Actually Work? Modern Microservices Testing
- 2022-07-12Getting Into and Testing Microservices
- 2022-05-13Present and Future of the Microservice Architecture
- 2022-05-10Seven Ways to Fail at Microservices with Holly Cummins
- 2022-02-27マイクロサービスに失敗する7つの方法
- 2022-02-187 Façons D'échouer Dans Les Microservices
- 2022-02-147 Ways to Fail at Microservices
- 2021-11-017 ways to fail at microservices
- 2016-09-18Microservices: from dream to reality in an hour
- 2015-10-12Microservices: from dream to reality in an hour
- 2015-09-07Microservices: Storm in a teacup, or teacups in a storm? - JAXenter
presentation skills
- 2023-10-128 Talk Title Mistakes We've All Made
- 2023-10-09Creating Custom QR Codes
- 2023-09-22So, you want to speak at conferences
- 2023-08-29Where Can I Get Pictures for Talks?
- 2022-06-17How to draw when you can’t draw, part ii: no really, how to draw
- 2022-06-16How to draw when you can’t draw, part i: a growth mindset story
- 2023-07-26Pact Contract Testing for Quarkus
- 2023-06-21Uh, Does This Thing Actually Work? Modern Microservices Testing
- 2023-06-08Quarkus and Contract Tests with Holly Cummins
- 2023-05-23Quarkus 3 Technical Spotlight: Pact contract testing with Holly Cummins
- 2023-05-15Using Pact and Quarkus to Tame Microservices Testing
- 2023-03-14Expert Talk: War Stories from Moving to the Cloud • Holly Cummins & Lorna Jane Mitchell • GOTO 2022
- 2021-07-19DevOps and Cloud InfoQ Trends Report - July 2021
- 2021-04-15Serverless doesn't have servers, except when it does
- 2020-12-3197 Things Every Cloud Engineer Should Know
- 2019-02-21The Hero's Journey to Cloud: Why Star Wars, Prometheus, and Cloud Are All Interconnected
- 2023-03-09Why Your Desk is the Worst Place to Work, and Other Life Lessons from a Lazy Developer
- 2022-10-28Innovation Anti-patterns
- 2022-09-30Innovation Anti-patterns: Bonkers Beans and Magic Numbers
- 2022-06-03Innovation Anti-patterns: Bonkers Beans and Magic Numbers
- 2022-02-03Is your innovation funnel an innovation fizzle?
- 2022-01-24Why Your Innovation Team May Be Stifling Innovation, and Other Strategy Lessons From Peas
- 2021-11-23Bonkers Beans and Magic Numbers: Innovation in a Changing World
- 2021-11-02Why I never want to build another MVP
- 2016-03-24That’s not useless, it’s just … unusual
women in tech
remote working
- 2022-08-11Hackerstations: clean and minimalistic setup in London, UK
- 2021-02-17Coronavirus: Managing software development during lockdown
- 2021-02-11The great microphone face-off, or 'how I spent lots of money in 2020'
- 2021-02-03Programming in the pandemic: personal insights & professional process - CW Developer Network
- 2021-01-11Remote working: 10 lessons leaders should apply in 2021
- 2021-12-16What How Why - Quantum explained
- 2021-07-05WTF is Cloud Native Quantum?
- 2019-07-18Creativity in the Age of Quantum Computing
- 2019-05-07Cats, Qubits, and Clouds - The Quantum Future
- 2019-04-17Cats, Qubits, and Clouds - The Quantum Future
- 2018-09-13Gatos, Qubits e Teletransporte: O estranho mundo dos algoritmos quânticos (Parte 3)
- 2018-09-06Gatos, Qubits e Teletransporte: O estranho mundo da computação quântica (Parte 1)
- 2018-07-25猫、量子位和远距传动:令人匪夷所思的量子计算世界(第三部分)_语言
- 2018-07-17猫、量子位和远距传动:令人匪夷所思的量子计算世界(第二部分)_语言
- 2018-07-14Cats, Qubits, and Teleportation: The Spooky World of Quantum Computation Applications (Part 3)
- 2018-07-07猫、量子位和远距传动:令人匪夷所思的量子计算世界(第一部分)_语言
- 2018-07-06Cats, Qubits, and Teleportation: The Spooky World of Quantum Algorithms (Part 2)
- 2018-06-29Cats, Qubits, and Teleportation: The Spooky World of Quantum Computation (Part 1)
ibm garage
mental health
- 2017-03-06Thinking Strategically About IoT
- 2016-11-24The Cuddly Throwable Application Server
- 2016-06-09The Cuddly Throwable Application Server
- 2016-02-08Microservices: from dream to reality in forty five minutes
- 2015-03-04The Cuddly Throwable Application Server
- 2015-02-25Interacting with headless computers (or "How to not keep losing your raspberry pi on the network")
- 2014-11-03The Wearable Application Server and Other Adventures in Software Engineering
- 2013-03-27The Wearable Application Server and Other Adventures in Software Engineering
- 2013-02-04The Wearable Application Server and Other Adventures in Software Engineering
- 2012-11-12How to embed an application server into a hat
- 2013-03-26Enterprise OSGi in Action
- 2013-03-01Enterprise OSGi In Action
- 2013-02-04OSGi vs Spaghetti - Part II, The Enterprise strikes back
- 2012-11-12Building Modular Applications with Enterprise OSGi
- 2012-10-15Everything I know about software, I learnt from spaghetti bolognese
- 2010-06-08OSGi and the Enterprise - A match made in a … box?