Holly Cummins


Efficient Software: A Developer’s Manual for Saving The World

2025-05-07 Devoxx holly cumminssustainability

None of us actually like waste, but many of us tolerate it. This is a shame, because waste is really really bad. It makes our software more expensive to develop, and more expensive to run. It contributes to climate change. It means sometimes, people who’d like to use our software, can’t. It slows us down.

In this talk, Holly will present a range of practical waste-reduction techniques, including:

  • LightSwitchOps
  • Moving computational work to where it hurts least
  • Measuring the right thing, instead of measuring the wrong thing (harder than it seems!)
  • Performance profiling basics
  • Doing lessring, mathematics,economics, and psychology to give guidance on how to achieve more by doing less.
  • built by holly cummins
  • follow holly on bluesky