Holly Cummins

Cloud Chaos and Microservices Mayhem

2021-02-09 Jfokus Holly Cumminscloud native

The way we use Java has changed. Applets - or any browser-side Java - are a long, long, time ago. Java moved to the back end, and stayed there, but the back-end has gotten bigger, more distributed, and more complicated. Some things that were a good idea ten years ago turn out to be a terrible idea in the cloud; and what used to be ‘good enough’ for testing really isn’t anymore. Managing microservices architecture demands a lot of us, to ensure observability, operational resiliency, and organisational agility. This talk will introduce some of the new tools, patterns, and best practices for Java development in 2020. It also gives a tour of some of the most painful anti-patterns Holly has seen as a consultant with the IBM Garage.
